
Funny Caffeine Bird Animated

                              Funny Caffeine Bird Animated 

Use a Little Makeup for Your Brows

One more eyebrow tutorial, but this one will show you how to shape your brows by using various makeup tools. All you need to fulfill this step is a little brow-brush, brown liner and eye shadows! It’s pretty simple and you can handle it!


Pluck Your Eyebrows in the Right Way

Pluck your eyebrows in the right way and you’ll get thinner face. But don’t over-pluck them, because is well known that angular and thick brows are the key for your face to appear slim and long!


Do the Contour Technique According to Your Face Shape!

When it comes to face contouring, there are some rules that must be followed. The most important thing is to do this technique according to your face shape. Is your face round, oval or maybe triangular? For more info, check out the picture below!


Contour Your Face

Face contouring is a new trend in the beauty world and almost every woman is trying to include that method in her makeup routine. If you have well-rounded face this is the skill you have to achieve. Just follow the instructions from the picture below and you’ll become an expert very soon!

Contour Your Face

                              Contour Your Face

Fashion & Jewelry

Fashion & Jewelry

Fashion & Jewelry
Nails Fashion

Glossy Matte Nail Art Design

                 Glossy Matte Nail Art Design 

Fashion & Jewelry
Nails Fashion Images

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