There is no one like you,
No One Like You

There is no one like you,
you were made just for me. 
You've touched my heart in places
no one else could ever reach. 

You bring beauty to my world
and comfort to my soul.
Your smile lights up my life
a wondrous sight to behold. 

It's all the little things,
that make you uniquely you.
A gift that keeps on giving
in everything you do. 

You've ruined me for all others,
because nobody can compare,
to the way you love me,
show me that you care. 

It's important that you get it,
so important that you know.
Yes, you were made me for,
my precious, gorgeous Beau. 


It's not about having the fanciest date or the most expensive or elaborate one.Date nights work their magic simply by giving you a chance to catch up with each other and shut out the noise of your busy lives. Want romance that doesn't cost a fortune? Fight the urge to splurge with these 50 fun, cheap date ideas.

1. Watch the sunset together.

Oh, and bring your pup. How cute is this?!

2. Spend the afternoon at your local farmer’s market.
3. Visit the zoo or aquarium. (Too pricey near you? Volunteer at an animal shelter and play with the pets.)
4. Date night in: rent a movie, buy popcorn and soda, and snuggle with a blanket.
5. Break out the board games for an indoor game night.
6. Find an outdoor concert with cheap lawn tickets + grab your lawn chairs for a fun summer date night.
7. Bike ride around town.
8. Plan a romantic dinner in for your fiance – cook, light candles, pour wine, and play romantic music in the background.
9. Plan a patio date in the summer: barbecue, add beverages (wine, iced tea), and enjoy the warm air.

10. Play putt-putt golf. Winner buys ice cream!

11. Learn a new outdoor activity together (kayaking, gardening, canoeing, hiking, horseback riding, or sailing). Who knows – you may just find a new hobby you’ll love to do together!
12. Go bowling.
13. Take a cooking class together at a local parks and rec or community college. Have a friend who loves to cook? Ask them to teach you.
14. Go to a local museum. (If too expensive near you, head to a local historic marker and learn about your town. It’s all about learning something about history together.) You can sometimes score deals here.
15. Plan a picnic: fill a basket with wine, cheese, crackers, and a comfy blanket.

16. Spend the afternoon at the beach.
17. Go on a road trip for the day. Map out your route, stop at anything fun on the way, and return home by nighttime.
18. Go thrifting: visit garage sales, flea markets, or estate sales and see who scores the sweetest deal.
19. Play paintball! (This is nearly free if you have your own equipment; if not, opt for a water gun fight instead.)
20. Hit up the arcade with handfuls of quarters.
21. Go to a local amusement park or carnival. (Local church festivals or carnivals are free to get in; just pay for what you’d like to do like play games or eat.)

23. Go to a show to support a local band.
24. Take an art class together at a local parks and rec or community college near you. (Too expensive near you? Grab twocanvases and paints and get to work. You may even create some pretty amazing artwork for your home.)
25. Go on a second “first date”. Get dressed up, drive separately, and pretend you’ve just met. Hold hands. Ask questions awkwardly. Get butterflies.
26. Go on a Geo-caching treasure hunt. Or, grab one of these gadgets. I’ve never done this, but it’s on my to-do list.
27. Go hiking.
28. Have a bonfire complete with marshmallows ready for toasting.
29. Fly kites or RC planes (if you have one). It’s a nice way to get fresh air and feel like a kid again.
30. Go to a drive in movie.
31. Go-karting. So. much. fun.

32. Work on a (fun) project together. Buy supplies, figure out instructions, and get to work!
33. Volunteer somewhere. You’ll spend quality time together – and help out someone else. Cool.
34. Go out for ice cream. Huge, topping-crazed ice creams.
35. Play Bingo. It’s surprisingly fun, affordable, and you may even win extra money for your honeymoon.
36. Have a water gun fight. ‘Nuff said. (Winter alternate: have a snowball fight.)
37. Teach the other how to do something they’ve never tried: the guitar, a new card game, how to bake an apple pie, just as a few examples.
38. Grab tickets to a local college sports game (baseball, football, basketball).
39. Go to a jazz club. (Or make your own at home.)
40. Get hooked on a new TV series and have a marathon.

41. Go for a night drive. Pack up some good tunes and ride off into the sunset.

42. Go to a club and dance your you-know-whats off.
43. Plan out your honeymoon. Spend the evening talking about where to go; once you decide, surf the internet to find attractions and things to do while you’re there.
44. Rollerblade at your local rink or around town.
45. Make reservations for dinner at a restaurant you’ve always wanted to go to. Get deals and save even more money.
46. Take a fitness class together you’d both enjoy. Or, buy a workout DVD, a challenging one (or even this!) to try at home.
47. Grab inflatable tubes and spend an afternoon on a river. (Cold weather alternate: go ice skating, sledding, or spend the afternoon at a cider mill.)
48. Learn how to brew your own beverage: try your hand at making cappuccinos, a flavored ice tea, or your own brewed beer. Become a coffee connoisseur and learn how to use a french press. You may find a new favorite.
49. Go on a restaurant tour – on the cheap. Stop in for an appetizer at a few different locations to try out some new foods.
50. Grab a few laughs at a comedy club or rent a funny movie to get rid of any wedding planning stress.

  • Romantic Ideas
  • Romance, Love, Relationships

Romantic Ideas
There are romantic ideas that spark more spice, passion, and excitement in your relationship and then there are thoughtful ideas that make your Sweetheart appreciate you, but doesn't necessarily bring you more intimacy, desire, or romance. What's the difference? Keep reading, because you are about to find out.
The difference is the nature of the relationship, not in the gestures or words themselves. Romance is thoughtfulness and consideration towards you intimate partner (or someone you want to be intimate with).
See, it's about connecting on the most private and personal of levels. It's about implementing romantic ideas that make your Sweetheart desire you, love you, savor you.

On this page, I plant the seeds to infuse your relationship with those incredible feelings of anticipation, excitement, desire, passion, and intimate satisfaction. The goal is to get you and your partner started down a romantic road that never ends. This is a primer. Now let's whet your appetite to experience more romance and all the pleasurable consequences that come with it.

I wonder if you know

I Wonder

I wonder if you know
how much you mean to me.
I wonder if it shows
how wonderful I think you are....
or how many times a day
I think of you
and look forward
to holding you close.
I wonder
if you can read my mind
or see into my heart
and know just how happy I am
to be sharing this life with you.

Sometimes I don't know how
to let you know,
and it keeps me from telling you
as often as I should....
Because you are the one
I want to live with
and dream with
and laugh with every day
for the rest of my life...
and I just wondered if you knew

I Need You Sweetheart

I Need You Sweetheart

Like a dessert needs the water,
Like a flower needs the rain,
My soul is thristy for your love,
My heart screams out your name.

Like a ship needs a sailor,
Like the stars need the sky,
You brighten up my world,
Like the moon lights up the night.

Like a movie star loves fame,
Like a poor man needs money,
I need and long for your love,
For your as sweet as honey.

When the twlight is fading,
And the sky is dark with blue,
Just remember this one thing,
Darlin, I really do need you.

I'm so proud I met you,
Would love to have you by my side,
And I just want you to know,
You really light up my life.

Pakistani Girls beautiful wallpaper Collection

Pakistani Girls beautiful wallpaper Collection
Pakistani girls
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Pakistani girls 

If Destroyed, Still True

What do you do when you find yourself in love with your best friend?

I am shackled and caged in this most unfortunate of situations.
I am your neighbor with the impenetrable white fence between our yards.

We lay in bed and our minds split up like misguided teens in a horror film. While my mind strays towards the possibility of a romance so taboo that it can only lead the highest transecdance of passion and fire, you think how lucky you are to be in the company of such a loyal companion.

I want to grab your face, look you in the eyes, and kiss your lips with sort of embrace only your most memorable lover could achieve. I long for a night where alcohol strips us of our reservations and we let nature take its course.
If Destroyed, Still True

I often lay there at night pondering the very question that haunts my mind like a phantom; Do you feel the same? Can you? Your uncharted waters offer the danger of a friendship lost, but I cannot seem to care. A bite of your fruit outweighs the poison that will consume the relationship we have built for many years.

I often catch my eyes lingering upon you in conversation when our group congregates at seedy bars, where the only entertainment lies in the company we arrive with. After your turn passes in our discussion, I am left behind watching the remnants of the words you spoke disintegrate as the lips that crafted them close shut. Your gaze is directed to the new speaker, which leaves me with a small window to reflect upon your beauty. I observe the lines in your face that show the life you have lived up until this moment. The lines that formed from smiling and sadness join in harmony and as you wear the joy and sorrow of past lovers like a mask that proudly says, "I regret nothing." Even when you smile though, I can see the hint of sadness that channels your broken past. There is no mystery to me of what hardships you have faced. My shoulder was often the dry fields that your rain nourished. I could not stand the pain of you crying over him, but any opportunity to embrace you negated all my reservations as I drifted into the illusion of a future "us".

But no such retribution will be bestowed upon me without a courageous and valiant act of defiance towards our prolonged camaraderie. An act that breaks the shackles of personal space and encompasses the years of longing that lead to my most defining moment. But then therein lies the "what ifs." The weights that drowns my desires to make you mine. Surely I cannot afford to lose you but at what price? To stay in this limbo without a trial or judgment.

Maybe the chance of climbing to heaven is worth the risk of falling to hell.
I can't say for sure, guess I'll  just have to try.

ROMANTIC IDEAS by asifa_ali20

So you want to do something special for your beloved, but you're stumped for ideas. Whether you want a gesture that's creative, outrageous, affordable
When I laid there beside you,
Our Hearts Will Always Touch
When I laid there beside you,
Could you feel me there?
My arms were wrapped around you,
And I was stroking your hair.

I was talking about all the good times,
For me they were every single day.
I wanted you to feel love and comfort,
And happy in some way.

I watched your every breath,
And prayed that each one wasn't your last.
The time we got to share together,
Went by too quick...Too fast.

I wanted you to wake up,
Please Mum...Open your eyes.
Tell me this is a nightmare,
And not our goodbyes.

As your last breath grew closer,
We lay there peacefully together.
My heart continually breaking,
Because I wanted you forever.

Then there it was,
Your final breath of air.
I didn't want to believe it,
This is so cruel and not fair.

I held your beautiful face,
And prayed you'd breath again.
I wasn't ready for you to go,
I couldn't admit that this was the end.

But then I realized that you were now in peace,
And not suffering anymore.
You were beginning the life of an Angel,
And your body would no longer be sore.

I held you close and squeezed you tight,
And tried to say goodbye.
I've lost my Mum and my number one best friend,
All my heart could do is cry.

I slowly got up,
I wanted so much to stay.
I leaned over and gave you one more kiss,
It was so hard to walk away.

Mum you are my entire world,
And I miss you so very much.
I wish I could feel your loveable cuddle,
And your soft and gentle touch.

But for now I have to wait,
Until we meet again.
You will always be in my heart and thoughts,
My dear Mum and best friend.

Always and Forever,
Our hearts will always touch.
Always and Forever,
Your baby girl loves you so much.

Love Will Come Again
Love Will Come Again
People say love comes and goes...
I say let the truth be known...
We have several types of love; 
for our children, 
and friends,
but there is a gentle love 
that I call my best friend. 
I've been fortunate enough to love or I thought it was...
until I met a man that showed me what is a best friend. 
He taught me how to laugh, cry, 
and show me how it feels to have emotions again, 
but some how life took over 
and we said our good-byes, 
but you see he gave me something I was missing 
and that was me. 
I thank my special friend 
for I will never forget 
how wonderful it was to be loved again.

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